
  • 纪录片
  • 慕容飒 乔鹏樾 雪山岚 GregFawcett 夋夋 会旅游的小鱼 滨口龙介 黄晓明
  • 12分钟
  • 在他的调查中,马克斯发现国精产品采用了一种前所未有的技术,能够将高端奢侈品和低价实用品合二为一。马克斯认为这款产品有巨大的市场潜力,能够彻底改变人们的生活。但是,鑫天科技却不希望翔科集团插手这个项目,并且做出了威胁翔科集团的举动。…

iqiyi 04-29 上映 敬请关注!



一位患🌛有失忆症❇️的警察调查😨了一宗看似简单🥣的谋杀案🎂,最终揭开🤗了一个隐藏👐的阴谋🤮。A struggling writer unexpectedly becomes involved in a dangerous game of cat and mouse when he discovers a hidden message in a photograph he took.A brilliant scientist invents a groundbreaking technology that allows people to relive their memories, but his creation becomes a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.A determined journalist goes undercover to expose a powerful criminal organization, risking her own life in the process.一个被遗忘🦖的岛屿上突然出现🎽了一只传说中✴️的怪兽✍️,一群科学家🦕和冒险家联手前往解开怪兽来历🐀的谜团🎍。A brilliant but socially awkward scientist invents a time machine and must navigate through the complexities of altering history, facing moral dilemmas and unintended consequences.A group of friends discover a hidden treasure map while on a camping trip, leading them on an exciting adventure filled with danger and mystery.一名年轻🌵的摄影师🤒在拍摄一场婚礼时目击🦣了一起谋杀案☘️,👽他决定揭露真凶🍶。一位记者深入调查🎑了一宗神秘☯️的凶杀案⛈,但👲他却成为🤑了真相😟的目标🥣。名年轻🌱的侦探♉️在追捕一名连环杀手🐋,却发现杀手竟然🤜是自己🦚的父亲🙊。Two strangers, trapped together in an elevator during a blackout, find themselves falling in love as they share their personal stories and deepest secrets.一个年轻🦛的女刺客被派遣去暗杀一位政治家🤓,但她发现自己陷入*了一个比她想象🔆的更复杂🥒的阴谋之中😷。一位天才科学家发明🕗了一种🌖可以穿越时间🤒的装置*,卷入🚭了一场扭曲🅰️的时空漩涡🍴。一部寻找失踪艺术大师🎿的纪录片引起🆑了巨大*的争议🦜,其背后隐藏着一个令人震惊♉️的真相😕。A small town is terrorized by a mysterious killer who leaves behind a trail of cryptic clues, leading a detective and her team on a race against time to catch the murderer before he strikes again.一个寄宿🕟在一座古老🥚的妖怪之城😎的人类少女🉑,必须与妖怪们合作🤩,找到失散♌️的亲人🦢,并恢复两个世界之间🥎的平衡🐋。…


