
守护者 04-29 上映 敬请关注!



A young womans life is turned upside down when she wakes up one day to discover that she has been transported to a parallel universe, where everything is familiar but slightly different.A group of astronauts embark on a mission to explore an uncharted planet, only to discover that they are not alone in the vast emptiness of space.一位富🥏有🐓的商人📛在世界末日来临之际😓,决定组建一个庞大🐋的船队😘,将一批幸存者带往遥远🍇的安全之地🙄。一位年轻✍️的天才数学家☦️在一次意外中失去🎯了记忆😂,⚰️他必须通过解开自己🪄的过去来找回记忆🎗,同时阻止一场全球灾难💫的发生👇。An ambitious journalist is assigned to interview a reclusive billionaire, but she soon unravels a web of dark secrets that could destroy her career and her life.A renowned archaeologist embarks on a thrilling adventure to uncover a hidden treasure, facing dangerous traps and rival treasure hunters along the way.A down-on-his-luck detective, haunted by his past, becomes entangled in a high-stakes murder investigation that leads him deep into the criminal underworld.The last surviving member of an ancient warrior lineage embarks on a dangerous quest to defeat an immortal enemy and restore balance to the world.一个心理治疗师深入调查一个年轻女孩🌨的怪异行为后🍊,🍼他发现🥉了一个与超自然现象相关🕖的黑暗秘密🎾。A young woman wakes up in an unfamiliar place with no memory of who she is, and soon realizes she is part of a secret government experiment.🎄在一个神秘🍜的岛屿上♍️,一群陌生人被迫参与一系列致命🐑的游戏😘,只☁️有最后🌤的幸存者才能获得自由😎。一位年轻🦋的女警察发现她所🐝在⚛️的城市被跨国犯罪团伙控制🍪,她与一位神秘🤑的黑帮老大合作🕗,试图摧毁这个邪恶组织🐦。A struggling artist finds inspiration and love in an unexpected friendship with a free-spirited muse.一名年轻人🍦在偶然间得到😖了一本能够实现🌥他所写💔的故事🪶的魔法笔记🌞,但🕢他不知道😽,每次创作都会消耗👽他♍️的生命🤠。一位天才科学家研发出一种能预测未来🦀的机器🦛,然而当😞他看到预测到👉的自己将会死亡时*,🈶他开始展开一场扭转命运🌙的挑战☸️。A struggling musician makes a deal with the devil to become famous, but soon realizes that fame comes at a deadly price.…


