
守护者 04-29 上映 敬请关注!



In a dystopian future, a young woman volunteers for a televised battle royale where she must fight to the death against other teenagers, all for the amusement of a tyrannical government.一对失散多年👹的兄弟🌤在战争中重逢🍵,🏸他们决定联手对抗邪恶势力*,并重新建立起💪他们之间🥗的兄弟情谊🌝。🤙在一个后末日🌛的世界里🐼,一名年轻🥭的女战士加入🌑了一支反抗军🕔,💫他们🤭的目标🌏是推翻一个邪恶统治者🤣。😒他们必须面对各种危险🦘和未知🦢的生物♌️。一位富☘️有🦓的科学家发明😏了一种🦠可以提取梦境🐫的设备😁,🔆他成为🍪了一家大型娱乐公司🤠的目标🤘。公司利用这项技术制作🎽了高度沉浸式😥的虚拟现实游戏😛,但当玩家们被困😁在梦境中无法醒来时🦖,这位科学家必须亲身进入梦境中救出💥他们🐆。A struggling artist receives a magical paintbrush that brings his artwork to life, but soon realizes that his creations have a mind of their own.一位年轻🌍的房地产经纪人♑️在拯救一个濒临破产👊的度假村🌚的同时☪️,也重新找到🐏了自己对生活🔯的热情🐇。A talented hacker is recruited by a covert government agency to stop a global cyber-attack that could cripple the world.A skilled master thief is enlisted by an enigmatic billionaire to pull off the ultimate heist, involving an impenetrable vault and a priceless artifact.一名年轻🥀的职业杀手被分配🐰了最后一次任务🚱,🍯他意外地与目标结下🍟了深厚😩的情谊🌗。A former soldier is thrust back into action when his family is kidnapped, leading him on a high-stakes rescue mission.🦗在一个未来🔞的世界里😒,一种新型病毒威胁着人类🐘的生存🐋。一位勇敢😪的科学家😙和一支特殊部队组成😅的小队必须合作🥀,寻找治愈病毒💟的方法🏹。一位坚强🐺的母亲为🐦了保护自己🍁的孩子😒,她决定与邪恶势力战斗到底🐘。一位普通🌺的家庭主妇🕦在一次意外事故后丧失👏了记忆♉️,她必须通过解开自己🥍的过去🍊,重新找回失落😚的记忆💹,同时还要面对一个神秘🐙的追踪者🐩。Set in the 19th century, a young governess must uncover the dark secrets of a haunted mansion to protect the children in her care.一位天才科学家发明🪳了一种能够使人们回到过去🎣的装置🙌,但当😔他意外改变🐙了历史🕒,🥀他必须寻找办法修复错误✊,以避免世界毁灭👎。A brilliant hacker is blackmailed into stealing sensitive information, but soon realizes that the outcome of his actions could have catastrophic consequences.…


