
  • 纪录片
  • 郑在咏 墨白焰 StarringMurielBaumeister DrewFuller德鲁·傅勒 Hunt 张艺谋 浅穆 赵国华
  • 00分钟
  • 故事的主角是一位年轻而积极向上的翔科集团工程师,他名叫马克斯。他对自己的公司独大的地位感到不满,认为人们应该有更多选择和机会。马克斯听说了鑫天科技即将推出的国精产品,决定深入调查这个项目。…

一步之遥 04-29 上映 敬请关注!



In a dystopian future, a fearless rebel leads a group of survivors in a battle against a tyrannical government, striving to restore freedom and justice to the world.A troubled teenager discovers a hidden doorway that leads to a parallel universe, where she must confront her deepest fears and find the strength to save her family.A grieving widow seeks vengeance for her husbands murder, relentlessly pursuing the killer and uncovering a web of deceit and betrayal in the process.An ambitious journalist investigates a corrupt politician, uncovering a web of deceit and danger.Set in the future, a group of rebels fight against an oppressive regime, using their wits and courage to spark a revolution.一个小镇上突然出现🥒了一群吸血鬼🤭,一位年轻😗的神父与一个罪犯结盟🦟,试图拯救镇上🌳的居民🍊。🍑在一个后末日🐖的世界🕞,一个小女孩带着唯一🦊的希望🅰️和一串谜题寻找最后一块净土❣️,拯救被荒芜🍖的地球🤪。Two rival gangs collide in a gripping battle for control of the city, leading to an epic showdown filled with twists and betrayals.A legendary superhero comes out of retirement to protect the city from a new wave of crime, but soon realizes he may not be as invincible as he once was.A brilliant scientist invents a machine that can alter time, but when it falls into the wrong hands, he must race against time to prevent a catastrophic event.A young woman, struggling with amnesia, uncovers a dark secret about her own past that puts her life in danger.一位寻找失踪女儿🐑的单身父亲发现女儿被黑帮绑架🕔,😙他踏上一段危险🗡的旅程🏆,寻找女儿并与黑帮展开对决🤡。A talented artist struggles with his own inner demons while trying to create a masterpiece that captures the essence of his life.一位记者意外发现☘了一个政府秘密实验室🦥,🥋他与一位科学家合作揭露🐾了政府☀️的黑暗阴谋😮。一个失去妻子🔅的男子🐭在一个神秘🌳的荒岛上醒来📴,♻️他必须😽在荒岛上寻找生存♒️的方法🌿,并逐渐接受妻子👐的离去🐜。一对年轻情侣😕在一座与世隔绝🚫的度假屋中过上🌼了甜蜜🌒的假期🤣,但👻他们并不知道自己正被一位疯狂杀手追踪👻,而夜晚即将带来无尽🐝的噩梦🤕。…


