
  • 喜剧
  • 林书豪 弗兰西斯·巴贝 妖邪有泪 最爱火爆腰花 山舞 洋萝卜丝 切斯特·康克林 杨丽萍
  • 34分钟
  • 故事的主角是一位年轻而积极向上的翔科集团工程师,他名叫马克斯。他对自己的公司独大的地位感到不满,认为人们应该有更多选择和机会。马克斯听说了鑫天科技即将推出的国精产品,决定深入调查这个项目。…

迷人的保姆 04-29 上映 敬请关注!



A troubled detective must track down a serial killer who leaves behind intricate puzzles, each one more terrifying than the last.A hardened detective is paired with a rookie cop to solve a series of gruesome murders that lead them to uncover a sinister cult with plans to unleash chaos on the city.A struggling writer discovers a magical typewriter that brings his characters to life, but they soon turn against him.A team of astronauts on a deep space mission encounter an alien life form that poses a threat to their mission and their very existence.😬在一个未来社会中⛔️,人类被分为不同🐋的阶层✨,一位身份低微🦛的男子因为一场意外机会进入🌽了上层世界🌚。😅他必须选择保护自己🪀的身份还🦉是为下层人民争取平🌈等🌚。A renowned art thief is blackmailed into pulling off an impossible heist: stealing a priceless artifact from a heavily guarded museum without getting caught.😼在未来世界🐘,一位机器人为❕了寻找自己🍦的身份🦤和目标🦍,与人类展开🦢了激烈🌨的战斗🖖。A renowned pianist loses her ability to play after a tragic accident, and must rediscover her passion for music with the help of a lively street performer.In a world where emotions are suppressed, a young woman discovers a secret rebellion fighting for the freedom to feel.A young woman from a small town is chosen to compete in a prestigious dance competition, but must overcome her own self-doubt and challenge her strict traditional upbringing.A group of archaeologists accidentally unleashes an ancient curse when they uncover a long-lost tomb, and they must find a way to stop the curse from spreading.A con artist teams up with an unlikely partner to pull off the ultimate heist, but as they get closer to the prize, secrets from their past threaten to unravel everything.一位年轻💀的女子🥑在一场车祸中丧失🎍了记忆👇,她必须回忆起自己🌈的过去并找到真相🤖。一名退伍军人🦟在回归现实生活之际🤥,发现自己似乎被卷入🐁了一场全国范围⚡️的阴谋😰,🪲他必须寻找真相并保护自己及周围人🏅的安全〽️。一位年轻👲的女孩*在一次家庭假期中意外穿越到18世纪🐑的法国🐵,她必须找到回家⚔️的方法🐦,同时探索一个激动人心〽️的爱情故事🥃。Two rival spies are forced to team up when a deadly virus threatens to wipe out humanity, leading them on a globe-trotting mission filled with thrilling action and unexpected romance.…


